
Artificial Insemination involves placing within the uterus of the patient a semen sample previously prepared in the laboratory, separating the sperm mobile of the rest of the components (plasma and other cells).

In order to increase the chances of pregnancy we proceed with a smooth hormonal stimulation of the ovaries and we control the ovulation to know which the optimal time to perform the insemination is.


Female factor

    • Alterations in the cervix.
    • Alterations in ovulation.
    • Women without a male partner.

Male factor

    • Mild or moderate alterations in the mobility or concentration of semen.
    • Inability of sperm to pass through cervical mucus.
    • Retrograde ejaculation
    • Spinal injuries.

Development of treatment

Even though it is not necessary to stimulate ovulation if a woman ovulates naturally, the best rates of pregnancy are obtained by injecting subcutaneous gonadotropins, for a period of approximately 6-10 days. Ultrasound inspections are carried out to determine when is the most likely time to occur ovulation, and a last injection of HCG. 24-48 Hours is administered and after we program the insemination.

It is a procedure that lasts 1-2 minutes and is absolutely painless, with a soft flexible tube and channeling the cervix and we place the most suitable sperm for fertilization. After the IUI if the couple has time we let the women at rest for 10-15 minutes, once the patient leave the clinic she can continue with the usual daily activity, bed rest it’s not necessary.

The semen sample is collected in the same way that is collected for a semen analysis, and must be in the clinic at least 1 hour before performing the insemination which is the minimum time required to wash and process the sample to optimize the possibilities.

The quality of the semen is a determining factor in the final result. If the third or fourth attempt a pregnancy is not achieved can be assessed, as the case may be, to change to more sophisticated techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Success Rates

Artificial insemination with donor’s sperm

Under 36 years 31%
Between 36 and 40 years 22%
Over 40 years old 8%

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